View single post by Art DeKneef
 Posted: 07-25-2006 01:57 am
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Art DeKneef


Joined: 03-12-2005
Location: Mesa, Arizona USA
Posts: 340
Ahh! I see said the blind man. That explains why you're patching the holes. Filling the small holes shouldn't be too hard, but I know what you mean trying to get it done to our "precise standards". Doing a patch on the hose area would be tricky with that bend.

As for the little holes in the welds, some filler would fix that. Probably easier then trying to weld them again. One of my concerns on putting another panel would be that you would have two surfaces to drill through if you ever need to route something from inside to outside. Never thought of doing that though. But you're right, it would act as heat barrier somewhat. Of course, if you put DynaMat or something similar on the inside, you'll never see those holes again.

Do what I do with the magnifying glass. Hold it while wearing the welding gloves. That also helps to protect your fingers in case you get distracted while working in this humid weather. I tried to do some work early in the morning the other day. You know what I mean. When it's around 90 degrees at 8:00 in the morning. Once I got all the gear on, I could only work for a few minutes before wiping the sweat away. This welding will have to wait for a couple of months.