View single post by Art DeKneef
 Posted: 07-24-2006 04:25 am
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Art DeKneef


Joined: 03-12-2005
Location: Mesa, Arizona USA
Posts: 340
How many holes are you trying to fill? On my car there is only one hole I might consider filling in. The rest are for mounting brackets.

As for covering the firewall with another piece of metal, I wouldn't do that. Sure you could prime and paint everything before welding, but then you have to weld the pieces together and there goes your protection. Plus you'll have an enclosed space you might not be able to check on. With the temperature differences, moisture can collect on the inside where the protection has been burned off. Slowly it starts to rust. Sure it might take a while, but what a pain it will be to fix.

What problem are you having welding the holes? With thin metal, maybe your weld "temp" could be a little lower if you are burning through. Are you just trying to fill in the hole or weld in a small piece of metal? Try putting a piece of copper behind the area you're trying to fill. Sometimes that helps.

Heck, with the temperatures we're having, you should be able to take it outside and use a magnifying glass and weld it in.

