View single post by Judson Manning
 Posted: 06-29-2006 03:21 pm
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Judson Manning

Joined: 03-14-2005
Location: Atlanta, Georgia USA
Posts: 406
I agree with Mark's suggestions.

BTW:  get used to the wife making such remarks, it's not going to end any time soon.  In my case:  One ex-fianace, countless girlfriends, and one (current) wife.

As a general rule, whenever you do repair work of this nature, don't try to start the car without turning it over by hand first.  I've posted the details elsewhere, but the idea is to turn the engine over by hand with a spark plug or two visible so you can see when it fires and verify timing. 

Dumb question:  Did you set the point gap?  How about taking a VOM and spinning the distributor to see connection is broken 4 times per revolution?  Is the distributor actually engaging the oil-pump shaft and turning with the engine?

good luck