View single post by Timothy Slovak | |||||||||||||
Posted: 06-28-2006 10:14 pm |
Timothy Slovak
Okay, After years of trial and error I had my Jensen Healey engine running very nicely. Not having satisfied my tinkering needs, I decided to change my engine wiring harness and install a rebuilt distributor. I installed the engine harness first and engine started and ran well. I then proceeded to install the rebuilt distributor. Now the engine won't start. Symptoms 1. Electrical current is going to the coil from the battery and electrical current is going from the coil to the distributor and point set. This is confirmed with voltmeter. 2. The Distributor housing is "hot" electrified. I don't think that's a good thing. I checked the leads inside the distributor to ensure they are in proper position and properly isolated/insulated so as not to short out. I have diagrams and several very nice pictures of the proper wiring arrangement for the distributor, so I'm certain I got this correct. 3. No spark detected coming from the coil to the distributor cap. I'm starting to suspect that there is something amiss with the the engine harness. I have a JH wiring schematic, and based on it I think the harness is installed properly. Does anybody have a schematic/drawing of a JH engine harness that shows correct installation in greater detail. I need to get this car running so my wife will stop smirking at me over dinner. "Did you get it running yet Tim?" Thanks for your expertise.