View single post by Brett Gibson JH5 20497
 Posted: 06-16-2006 07:08 pm
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Brett Gibson JH5 20497


Joined: 03-17-2005
Location: Hilton, New York USA
Posts: 798
Just as a follow up:

I took the belt tension gauge to the Nationals in Springfield in the hopes of getting a few readings from JH's, and managed to do so.

2 cars were running at 80 lbs,     1 at 90 lbs,   1 at 95lbs, mine at 110 lbs and a GT at 130 lbs (w/whine).

We adjusted the GT down to 95 - 97 lbs,  ( no whine )

Plus we also set a JH to 95 lbs that we attempted to change the timing belt on, but crank bolt would'nt undo.

And when I got home I reset mine to 95 lbs. and all seem's well.

This is not a scientific study but hey, just some info. all the readings were taken on a cold engine just above the water pump / thermostat housing area.

If anyone is having a meet or show and would like to borrow this tool to check a few cars just let me know, all I ask is that it be returned in the condition you recieved it.
