View single post by Jensen Healey
 Posted: 05-31-2006 04:31 am
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Jensen Healey

Joined: 03-11-2005
Location: San Anselmo, California USA
Posts: 983

The rubber gaskets installed dry work for me. I block sanded the surfaces for a smoother mating surface.

Has anyone been on the mail list following Sherman T's gasket failure after using RTV? It's not very humorous.

Clean the surfaces with acetone. They must be absolutely clean. All oil in the exhaust cam carrier must be removed to prevent contamination. Any oil or gasket sealer on the surface will cause the gasket to creep out of position and will never last through the many heating and cooling cycles.

Most cam cover bolts have been over-torqued causing distortion and widening of the lower edges of the cover. You may never get a seal using the 4 ft/lb spec. I torqued the bolts by feel, probably about 10 to 15 ft/lbs. Whatever works!

Good Luck!