View single post by edward_davis
 Posted: 05-12-2006 09:56 pm
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Joined: 07-06-2005
Location: Eugene, Oregon USA
Posts: 162
I'm also getting very little heat from my heater core, but that's not as big a problem here in CA.  My problem is that I have had a long-term coolant leak from the heater core, but I only recently realized that's what it was.  The carpet pad under the console is sodden, and over time small amounts of coolant dribbled onto the driver's side rubber floormat.  I always thought it was just a small amount of water or oil I tracked in on my shoes. 

If I put the heater controls over on "cold" that should send vacuum to the valve you checked, right, Brett?  So there won't be any flow into the heater core, and I shouldn't have any leak.  Does anybody know if there's an easy way to just bypass the heater for the time being? 

How much does a new/ rebuilt heater core cost?