View single post by Brett Gibson JH5 20497
 Posted: 05-12-2006 12:29 pm
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Brett Gibson JH5 20497


Joined: 03-17-2005
Location: Hilton, New York USA
Posts: 798

As a follow up, I took the flow valve off last night and you can actualy see right thru the flow channel, so then I used a small hand vacumn pump and applied some vac to the port, and once I reached 7 "hg it started to turn the valve to block flow, at 10"hg the valve was completly closed.

So now I know how the flow valve works my next step will be to flush the heater core with fresh water and see if I get any grud out, and check the operation of the flaps on the heater box, maybe I'm getting cold air penetration, I dont have rust issues on the box, and I replaced all the seal's during the restore so maybe a flap has become misaligned ???

Thanks again for your idea's
