View single post by Jay
 Posted: 05-10-2006 06:54 pm
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Joined: 08-05-2005
Location: Canton, Ohio USA
Posts: 73
The number that appears on mine is 41584A (the last part is not too clear). The underside (viewed with a small mirror) appears to only have the words LUCAS and ENGLAND. I guess mine looks something like the one pictured with Mark's post (the 25D). Does mine appear to be the same too you? In the effort to look for a number I forgot to look the the vacuum advance. I think it has it on the side. Take a look at the mark on the edge of the rotor (bottom edge in photo). Is that the spark tracking area? I was also going to replace the plugs and wires and was wondering what type of plug wires would be appropriate.

Attachment: JH distributor_1.jpg (Downloaded 62 times)