View single post by Jay
 Posted: 05-09-2006 07:27 pm
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Joined: 08-05-2005
Location: Canton, Ohio USA
Posts: 73
I seem to have developed some spark tracking on my distributor's rotor. I also found a loose plug wire and I suspect that it contributed to the development of the tracking. My car wont even fire now, (not a single putt). I do get spark off the coil but not at the plugs. I would like to replace the cap and rotor. I see on the club warehouse the distributor (Code: 93955) and rotor (Code: 93956) are said to fit all JH and GT years "for all years Jensen Healey and Jensen GT". The Boutique list distributor Tune-Up Kits for different distributors, 23D, 25D, and 45D. Are there any differences in the caps and rotors for these distributors? My cap is different than the one pictured. The wires all come out to the side rather than out from the top and are fastened in with a sort of set screw. What should I be looking for to make sure I order the correct cap and rotor? What is the story on the style of cap with the wires to the side? Thanks, Jay