View single post by redracer
 Posted: 02-15-2025 04:15 pm
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Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: BROOKHAVEN, Georgia USA
Posts: 656
Just read this--Sorry to hear about your problem. After 45+ years of working on these cars, I too have my first
blown" head gasket, but not for the reasons that seemed to have happened with yours("too loose on the head nuts_. Anyway, some engine work had been done on this car, although the head nuts were "over-torqued"(O.E.M gasket--needed a breaker bar to loosen them!). Cylinder #4 appears where the "leak" is, and would "boil" the coolant after the engine gets warmed up.
I haven't checked the nip yet, but the gasket shows it did seal all around the liner top.
btw, I also have some "extra" heads as well