View single post by DonBurns
 Posted: 01-26-2025 02:20 pm
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Joined: 09-18-2015
Location: Fullerton, California USA
Posts: 150
One thing to look at, is the liner nip. When I had engine for 15800 rebuilt, I warned them about the nip (liners higher than block). When I came in to inspect the block before assembly, I saw that they had decked it flat. Since JH head gasket isn't raised around cylinder openings, I think that nip is important. Had to argue with builder to get them to write an NC program for their mill to cut block back to provide the nip. They were not happy with me - totally believed it was unnecessary. Probably nothing to do with your issue (probably a nut torque issue as suggested) but something to check. Also there is a lot of info on this forum about studs and torque requirements with the new style gasket.