View single post by vnavaret
 Posted: 06-21-2024 07:14 pm
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Joined: 04-07-2022
Location: Oregon USA
Posts: 66
NickH wrote: Does anyone have a drawing showing the design fuse ratings /locations for a 76 GT?
The fuses are all 35 amp fuses, so location does not matter.

CAUTION: The fuses are rated using the DIN standard since they are metric. If you substitute the typical Auto Parts store cartridge fuses, you MUST derate them by 50% to 17 amps, since they are rated using the UL standard instead of DIN.

UL fuses are slightly longer, but in general will fit in the metric fuse holders. If you find they must be forced into place then you should get 35 amp metric fuses, available from purveyors of British parts.

I have noted of late that British fuses show TWO ratings. The DIN rating in large type (e.g. 35 AMP) and the continuous rating (e.g. 17 amp) in a smaller font. The latter rating is typically identical with the UL rating. So at least they TRY to keep you from setting your wiring on fire.
