View single post by JH12947
 Posted: 05-13-2024 09:57 pm
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Joined: 07-14-2022
Location: Penticton, British Columbia Canada
Posts: 57
Esprit2 wrote:
Progress Report ??

Jets finally arrived from Italy yesterday so I swapped in the 160 mains and 50 idles.

The good news is that with base setting of 2 1/2 turns on the mixture screws the car started up with no issues. Also happy to report that the machining of the flywheel has fixed the issue with the car stalling when the clutch is pressed. So, the car has moved forward and back under its own power.

The set-up on the synchro linkage and idle screw will need some work. First indication is that it is running quite lean and the mixture screws still don't have much impact but I will wait until do the proper syncing of the carbs to report on that.

I'm inclined to think that since the non-responsiveness of the mixture is worse on the front carb, for the cylinders that I know have poor compression there may not be enough vacuum there to function well. The car sat for a long time so I'm hoping that a good run-in may free things up and help with all this.

Last edited on 05-13-2024 10:25 pm by JH12947