View single post by vnavaret
 Posted: 05-13-2024 07:09 pm
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Joined: 04-07-2022
Location: Oregon USA
Posts: 74
Well guys,

ePartsland has struck out. I ordered from their web site, and got a reply saying that the order was confirmed and I would have a tracking number within five days. Then, crickets.

After two weeks I sent an email (they do not publish their phone number - perhaps an omen?) asking for a status update. More crickets.

After another week, I sent another email, ostensibly to the company president's email demanding an answer, or I was going to take it to social media. Crickets yet again.

I then posted a complaint to PayPal, who said I would have a refund in 3 business days.

Since I ordered from ePartsLand, several alternative clocks have come up on eBay, a couple of which were reasonably priced. I purchased one of them, and will report back.

Avoid ePartsLand.


Last edited on 05-13-2024 07:09 pm by vnavaret