View single post by JH12947
 Posted: 04-24-2024 05:00 am
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Joined: 07-14-2022
Location: Penticton, British Columbia Canada
Posts: 57
Esprit2 wrote:
Progress Report ??

I'm still waiting for delivery of the spec 5 main and idle jets before I have another go at getting it up and running.

I also had to get the flywheel machined so had the tranny out as well. That job is done.

I pulled the intake off and resealed that, as well as reset the choke plates, generally cleaned it all again and set the fuel level at 25mm as suggested.

When setting the fuel level I found that one of the carbs was puking fuel into the barrels. I swapped out the needle valves which seems to have fixed that.

When the jets show up I'll start the balancing again and have more progress to report.

Thanks for the help so far.