View single post by JH12947
 Posted: 04-07-2024 02:16 pm
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Joined: 07-14-2022
Location: Penticton, British Columbia Canada
Posts: 57
Thanks - The thrust issue is what I assumed is my worst case scenario. The car came to me with only 40k miles on it and ran fine on the stand so I assumed it to be ok and there was no scoring on the back of the flywheel to indicate there was an issue before. Of course, I don't know if the engine is original to the car, although the dates are close. I'll be pulling the tranny today to double check everything. It seems hard to think that the clearance to the bolt heads would be so minimal with correctly set thrust that anything other than a massive amount of slop would allow for contact.

My other two thoughts are that perhaps the machine shop removed some material on the crank mating surface when they skimmed the flywheel, or, when I initially torqued the flywheel bolts on with the cap head bolts I was planning to use, the large heads on those caused the flywheel to physically pull the crank rearwards in the block. There seemed to be a bottom-end noise when I ran it the car that was not present on the stand.

I'll post some photos of the teardown as I do it.