View single post by redracer
 Posted: 04-07-2024 01:34 pm
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Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: BROOKHAVEN, Georgia USA
Posts: 654
Sounds like your thrust(fore-aft movement of the crank)is too large. I do not know if you rebuilt the engine, but the 2 half-moon washers should give0.003'-0.008", with 0.005" is what I shoot for. The larger thrust washer is placed in the front side just to be sure of the clearance problem you have.
When depressing the clutch pedal, the forward movement of the flywheel from the pressure will move the flywheel into said bolts. With no pressure on it, the crank will "float" to its least resistance, so
Two other items come to mind: the earlier flywheels were "flat" since they used a rope seal and thus no mounting piece to hold the later rear main seals. The later flywheels had to have some material removed to accommodate this extra material. I have replaced the 4 phillips screws with standard hex bolts with no problem.
And finally, I assume you put the clutch disc in the correct way as it is labeled with "flywheel" side on it.