View single post by JH12947
 Posted: 04-06-2024 01:51 am
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Joined: 07-14-2022
Location: Penticton, British Columbia Canada
Posts: 57
Bit of an update....

I guess it's better to know but neither the fix nor the root cause is obvious to me.

I took the dust shield off the bell housing and used my borescope to look at the rear seal cover bolts. As you can see from the photos, the clearance is minimal or non-existent and there is evidence of contact with the flywheel. So obviously the tranny is coming off so I can deal with it.

I'm left to wonder why this would happen and what the clearance between the flywheel and these bolts normally is. Perhaps stock bolts (which seem unavailable) had thin heads. Unless he crank in this engine is actually sitting forward of where it should be it's hard to imagine that it's anything to do with my change of the seal and reassembly. New gasket thickness should not cause this.

My options as I see them are to grind the heads smaller or have a few mm skimmed off the flywheel.

I'd love to see the clearance in other engines and specs on the proper bolts.

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