View single post by JH12947
 Posted: 04-03-2024 11:06 pm
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Joined: 07-14-2022
Location: Penticton, British Columbia Canada
Posts: 57
I'm getting close to the finish of my 2 year restoration. Today I pushed the car out of the shop to get it started with fuel from its own tank for the first time. It starts and idles fine. Needs some tuning, but that's expected.

However, under idle or slightly higher RPMs, pushing in the clutch pedal causes and immediate stall. I did manage to get it into first and creep forward if I rode the clutch and kept the RPMs high. Revs drop - stalls.

I plan to get under it and check the clutch fork and adjustment, but would like to know if anyone has an idea of anything else to check. I'm aware there may be a crankshaft/thrust bearing issue, but hopefully not.

As background, I had the flywheel skimmed, and the disc was relined. I installed a new spigot bearing and the throwout bearing seems smooth and fine. I did the initial adjustment according to the manual and installed a new cable.

The car will move through all the gears when the car is not running, and the transmission is engaged since the rear end is locked.

Any suggestions welcome,
