View single post by redracer
 Posted: 12-13-2023 05:28 pm
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Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: BROOKHAVEN, Georgia USA
Posts: 654
Corey: the original engine-to-ground strap went from the the front bottom oil pan bolt(passenger side) to a lower body bolt where the original air filter can was. Teh original battery had the ground/earth going to the 1/4" bolt on the fender wall. However, most of us felt this was too small a space, plus it would get dirty quickly, so we ran a heavier ground cable(that also has a #10 gage extra wire on it) to the upper starter mounting bolt with the #10 wire going to the original 1/4" bolt to run whatever.
Ideally, one would have the fuses mounted as close as possible to the battery in case of a crash as the right hand drive cars have, but Jensen never moved the fuse box over to the right for we who drive on the left side. This leave quite a bit of unfused wire that could be shorted in a heavy crash!