View single post by JH12947
 Posted: 09-12-2023 05:13 pm
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Joined: 07-14-2022
Location: Penticton, British Columbia Canada
Posts: 57
I've had my flywheel resurfaced and the clutch disc resurfaced. I ordered a new pilot/spigot bearing but can see that the crank either has been sleeved or simply has the trashed remains of an old bearing stuck in the bore. The new bearing has an OD of 21 mm and the crank hole is ~19mm. Before I set about trying to remove what appears to be the bearing shell I want to confirm that normally the crank hole is smooth front to back without a step towards the rear (which I have). I have an internal bearing puller so can heat it and see if I can pull it out. Unfortunately, I don't have the history on the car to know if this was a known issue when it was parked. Photo attached.


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