View single post by WhatsUpDOHC
 Posted: 07-01-2023 02:22 am
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Joined: 10-05-2021
Location: New Jersey USA
Posts: 51

When I was doing my fuel pump research, I was very concerned about fire and bowl overflow because of an over-spec'd pump (found the info here on the JHPS). I called Pegasus. Their rep was fantastic concerning all of my questions and the fuel pressure at the carbs - Can't say enough good/great about Pegasus Tech Support.👍👍

As a result of my experience with Pegasus Tech Support, I bought the Facet 40104 from them. I didn't use the fuel filter provided at the inlet to the pump. I used a NAPA Gold fuel filter that I already had with the SU (1 month since install): I like to see the fuel color and what's happening coming through the filter. I padded the driver's side (LHD) internal trunk wheel rib with a split vacuum hose so that the plastic fuel filter would not hit it.

With the Facet 40104 installed and a fuel pressure gauge at the carb inlet l (non plastic "T") the gauge is showing a constant 2.5 PSI.


When first cranking (with the front end on ramps for a couple of days), looking at the gauge and low carb bowls, I do see the pressure pumping up to ~2.5 PSI before starting and hear the faster and continuous pumping. I have to say that l, after my recent issues, hearing the fuel pump ticking is comforting....

When running, the gauge at the carbs shows <=2.5-ish constant.

Now that I can sleep at night and not worry about the carbs overflowing and the engine catching fire, I'm going to swap the gauge at the carbs for the clear filter that I had there.

I just figured I'd post this in case it helps somebody. I didn't see anything specific on this forum with respect to the actual PSI at the carbs.

Happy 4th of July weekend!!


noomg wrote:

The Facet is a demand pump so it will give the carbs what ever they require up to 4psi which is why a regulator isn't really required. You may notice after your car has sat for a while when you key the ignition the pump will click rapidly at first before it settles to a normal rate. That's the pump filling the fuel bowls.

As I recall back in the '90s you could get this Facet at any A/P store along with a higher performance or volume model which was probably required for something like a V8. When I got my J/H in '93 I installed a facet and haven't given it a thought since.