View single post by noomg
 Posted: 02-07-2023 05:24 pm
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Joined: 08-02-2018
Location: Long Beach, California USA
Posts: 466

The quality of Martin Robey parts like most UK suppliers is excellent. The Brits take their cars and restorations seriously.

Unfortunately even CA J/Hs are not immune to floorpan corrosion. Those cool original factory rubber floormats you're looking for are usually the culprit. If you look closely you'll see the corrosion goes from the top down rather than starting underneath and going up which is the usual direction of travel.

When these cars were late model drivers like all Brit convertibles they got wet when it rained. The water would get under the floormats and could sit on the floorboards for months because of those form fitting rubber mats that basically acted like Tupperware keeping the water sealed in.

When I got my CA car I only had to replace one floorpan and was able to patch the other along with some seat supports. The good news since it's a common problem there's a lot of information out there and parts are readily available.

BTW, what's up with the picture of Robin, while it might make Batman happy I'm not sure Darth Vader would approve.