View single post by noomg
 Posted: 06-30-2022 04:08 pm
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Joined: 08-02-2018
Location: Long Beach, California USA
Posts: 463

Congrats on your new (to you) car, they are wonderful unappreciated cars, hope you like it. In answer to your questions:

1) Factory psi (24/24) should be fine while the tires are bigger they're still supporting the same weight.
2) What else the classic sportscar oil Castrol GTX 20/50.
3) Most guys do their own work since it's not easy to find a Jensen-Healey dealership. The closest place I know of is an all makes British service shop in San Pedro.
4) About the only things you'll find for a J/H at a local A/P store are spark plugs, an oil filter and maybe a fan belt.
5) Going to need a little more info on this one; what kind of carbs, when were they last serviced or rebuilt (if ever)?

Don't expect much help from your local A/P store, the average clerk has not only never seen a J/H, they've never even heard of one!