View single post by redracer
 Posted: 12-30-2021 05:51 pm
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Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: BROOKHAVEN, Georgia USA
Posts: 654
The belt pulley is not adjustable(I have never heard anyone try to shim it); the center portion fits around the protruding nose of the hub(where the 4 bolts go).
As for your "find" of another one, unless it has been rebuilt(preferably using the 3G seal), you're asking for trouble.
The original ones had the carbon disc(embedded in the seal) rub against the steel nose of the impeller, and under "ideal" circumstances, the carbon would wear the steel nose so eventually you had a small leak in the lower weep hole of the housing. However, what usually happened was the impeller would grab the carbon disc and rupture the seal, causing a small "flood" and possible engine damage from lack of coolant.
Having rebuilt well over 300+(stopped counting in the late '90s), I would again advise NOT using your "spare".
keep us posted, brue