View single post by Rory Clark
 Posted: 11-11-2005 06:56 pm
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Rory Clark


Joined: 03-13-2005
Location: Okla. City, Oklahoma USA
Posts: 40

I have been to the Netherland many times what a beautiful Country (after you get out of Ampsterdam of course)

My heat problem could be just a bad sender (but I do not think so) On a normal day here 29-35c it would just slowly climb to the 7/8 mark and stay there I could be driving at 55 or 110km (35-70mph) and it made no change.  Bit Boy you open the hood and it sure seemed hot.

Since I blew the exaust (Header Gasket) which is a no brainer to repair Just a super Pain in the A _ _. I did just as you said bought new upper/Lower hoses Plus the 74c thermostat (Jaguar PT# C28067). I have not installed hoses/thermostat (or fixed the Gasket) yet. But I will be VERY interested if this works on reducing the heat.

