View single post by noomg
 Posted: 11-25-2021 05:44 pm
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Joined: 08-02-2018
Location: Long Beach, California USA
Posts: 463

Looks like you found a very nice fairly original car. I really like the original mustard yellow paint, I'd keep that as long as possible.

Looks like you've got your priorities straight, yes timing belt first. You should also check the date on the tires, if ten years old they should probably be replaced.

Also I wouldn't put to much stock in that 13,500 being the original mileage. Why would someone rebuild a motor with such low mileage? More likely the odometer either turned over or at some point stopped working. While my J/H shows only 20,843 I was driving it when it turned over from 99,999 to 00,000. And if the odometer stopped working 13K then that happened a very long time ago since it would only take a year or two to put that kind of mileage on a brand new J/H as a daily driver.