View single post by Jh092
 Posted: 04-25-2021 08:59 pm
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Joined: 04-01-2021
Location: Strongsville , Ohio USA
Posts: 28
I recently took delivery of my new JH5 (#20092). I have spent the last couple of weeks getting familiar with it and making it road worthy. This included a new blue timing belt and tensioner bearing, fan belt, plugs, wires, etc. Also correcting some potential wiring problems from previous owners.

Now that everything is sorted out, it was time to tune the car up and drive it. Well it starts easily and idles smooth but it pops and sputters and is not smooth under acceleration. When you buy a used car, you expect that there will be some adjustments. Sorting out the carbs is not a problem if you know where to start. The first thing i was to check the jets, tubes, holders, etc to see how the carbs are set. Everything was matched across the carbs but were not the parts I was expecting. Rather than try to make adjustments to an unknown setup, I am going to set it to a spec 5 setup. That way I am at least starting at a known baseline.

As I said, adjusting the carbs is straight forward. My problem is that the rear barrel of the rear carb (cylinder 4) leaks fuel when idling and running. Enough that it runs out of the choke, drips on the starter and puddles on the block below the starter. No leak on cylinder 3 or the front carb. Kinda perplexing. It appears to be comming from the pump jet but i can't be certain. I took the carb apart and checked all the components for possible problems or damage. O-rings were in place and were not distorted, nicked, or cut. Check balls were in place. All the seats for the jets and components appeared to be good and I did not see any corrosion or dirt.

I did check the floats (8.5 gms) and adjusted them accordingly.

I am looking to see if there may be something I may be missing. If it was across both barrels of the carb or affected both carbs then it might be a little easier to diagnose. Any thoughts would be appreciated.