View single post by noomg
 Posted: 03-16-2021 03:48 pm
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Joined: 08-02-2018
Location: Long Beach, California USA
Posts: 463

Keep in mind, this was a very low production car and is generally not very well thought of in the LBC community, compounding this is Jensen-Healeys just aren't very sought after. All this adds up to is there's not a huge incentive for manufacturers to provide aftermarket parts.

Maybe on more popular cars like an MGB or Spitfire these kind of kits are available. For example I recently ordered a complete rubber grommet set for my Austin-Healey, but then the median value for the Austin is around $40,000 to $50,000. In fact parts availability for the Austin-Healey is so good that you can almost build a brand new car from aftermarket parts!

As far as our Jensen-Healeys are concerned, you'll have to take what you can get, but with a little patience it can be done and I think you'll find it's well worth the effort.

Also since even a top end concourse J/H won't bring much more than $15,000, which is basically entry level in the classic car market, it leaves you free to do improvements and upgrades. As an example I always, where ever possible replace original hardware with stainless steel.

And one more thing "Saved a lot of time and money" is not a phrase we generally associate with the Jensen-Healey. Crack on mate!