View single post by noomg
 Posted: 03-11-2021 03:30 pm
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Joined: 08-02-2018
Location: Long Beach, California USA
Posts: 463

I installed an MSD with the Pertronix ignition several years ago and had the same problem you have, the tach wouldn't work. I found the remedy in the MSD install instruction booklet. It recommended purchasing a Chrysler dual ballast resistor that was used from '73 to '76. I installed it as per directions and it's been working ever since.

I did mine 20+ years ago and my instruction booklet is dated 6/97. You probably have a newer book which may not have this information included.

The install was a snap, MSD switched red to one side of the ballast resistor, MSD white from dizzy to the other.

To get the B/R I simply went to a Chrysler dealership and got one from the parts dept. Unfortunately that option is not open to you, you'll probably have to find it aftermarket. Also, I believe it was used on their vans.