View single post by Art DeKneef
 Posted: 03-09-2021 12:40 am
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Art DeKneef


Joined: 03-12-2005
Location: Mesa, Arizona USA
Posts: 340
The reason there is no fan shroud is probably because the fan shroud wouldn't fit with the electric fan was installed. Rather than try to modify it the fan shroud was completely discarded.

My guess is that when the electric fan was installed, for whatever reason, the thermostatic switch wouldn't fit anywhere. All of the kits I have seen include a switch or adapter that fit an American engine. Since the Jensen Healey has just the one water temp location on the intake manifold for the temperature sending unit, they decided to wire it so the fan was always on. Maybe they couldn't find a thermostatic switch with a probe.

Your account doesn't show a location so we can't guess at the weather you will be experiencing.

Best advice is to determine what shape the cooling system is with the car now and then determine if anything needs to be done.

Here in Mesa, Arizona, my car has the 3 row radiator, electric fan, shroud and is fine. But then I don't go out when the temp is 110 degrees or higher. Not having AC in those temps puts a damper on driving the car in those temps.