View single post by DonBurns
 Posted: 02-02-2021 09:41 pm
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Joined: 09-18-2015
Location: Fullerton, California USA
Posts: 149

Total estimate $20,599.72, less $2500 already paid for disassembly, bead blast. Already paid about $1800 for engine compartment and boot, so total cost of paint and body about $22,400. The picture does not really show the damage on all the panels. Labor estimate for the bonnet is 25 hours.

The options I have considered are -

1. What the hell, I can't take it with me. Go ahead.

2. See if I can reduce the labor costs a little by finding less damaged panels.

3.Take to a less particular body shop and put all the bondo back on. Earl Scheib?

4. Buy another JH with a better body and put my drivetrain in that. (drivetrain has everything new or refurbished. I mean everything). 2.2, delortos, W58, powdercoated suspension, new brakes, etc. etc. My fear is that I'll discover the replacement has similar issues.

5. Try to sell to someone who wants the drivetrain.

6. Just walk away.