View single post by noomg
 Posted: 01-28-2021 03:57 pm
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Joined: 08-02-2018
Location: Long Beach, California USA
Posts: 463

What panels are you talking about, inner body, floor pan, or outer panels such as fenders, doors, etc.? Are we talking cutting and welding or bolting off and on replacement?

When I did mine I removed all outer body panels so I could repair them on the bench and access to do any necessary repairs to the inner body. I had already repaired the floorboards awhile ago. There was no corrosion to speak of, the rockers were rusty but sound. After cleanup I reassembled the body and shipped it off to the paint shop. It doesn't sound like you'll be getting off that easy.

Not unusual though, start out picking color combinations and get sidetracked doing some major metal work.