View single post by DonBurns
 Posted: 01-21-2021 06:50 pm
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Joined: 09-18-2015
Location: Fullerton, California USA
Posts: 149
That's correct, The paint/body shop has sent the car out for bead blast. I am using California Classics in Santa Ana. They did the boot and engine compartment a few years ago when I was doing the mechanical work. The $2500 covers disassembly and bead blast. It's not possible to get an accurate estimate until you can see how much hidden damage, thick bondo, ect. there is, I believe. Original color was Malaga Blue based on color under dash and other places. Although driver door was something else, which has me nervous about what they will find. I was just wondering what interior was typically used with blue exterior. I plan to do a sound deadening with Dynamat or similar once back from paint. To be honest, I have not really been enjoying driving this car. My ears are ringing and I'm vibrating for an hour after I get home. I am hoping some sound and vibration dampening will resolve that. But I'm way too far into this to give up.