View single post by redracer
 Posted: 09-09-2020 03:15 pm
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Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: BROOKHAVEN, Georgia USA
Posts: 654
the main problem(over 40 years ago) was the LOGIC box(on the side wall near where your left knee would be), that wouldn't let you start it unless the seat belts were on, doors closed, etc. Shorting out the #11 wire to the #12 wire bypassed this problem(the numbers are very small and may be hard to discern at first). Also, cutting the #4 wire(purple, which is constant fused power, will eliminate the annoying buzz from the box).
This article has been discussed many times in previous threads, but I would have thought all the boxeses had been neutralized by now.
Let us know if yours had not been, as there may still be some "new" owners who have not done this fix.