View single post by noomg
 Posted: 08-21-2020 05:52 pm
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Joined: 08-02-2018
Location: Long Beach, California USA
Posts: 463

I'm glad to hear there's a little common sense being used in the UK. Unfortunately in California they still like harassing classic car owners.

I find the topic of old cars an interesting one. What's classic and what's just an old car? This applies not just to J/Hs or only Brit cars but all cars over say 20 years old. That's about where old cars hit a fork in the road. One way leads to just a driver, the other to classic car.

A driver is just that, transportation, it has no other value to the owner. As long as it's cheap and easy to maintain it stays on the road. At some point, say around 20 years, it becomes cheaper to buy a newer driver at which point our original driver usually winds up in a junkyard.

A classic on the other hand is loved by it's owner, who may be the original owner but usually not. It requires a commitment to keep a classic on the road, a commitment a driver owner is not willing to make.

This is why there are so few old cars on the road after a number of years, unless you love it, it's just not practical to keep on the road. That's why the ones you see on the road are well maintained and safe.

So it would be nice if Big Brother would get off our butts!