View single post by Art DeKneef
 Posted: 08-19-2020 02:35 am
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Art DeKneef


Joined: 03-12-2005
Location: Mesa, Arizona USA
Posts: 340
Hi Tim,

Correct. The one I have here is the later square style. I made the plug to have a round end. I also made one that is similar to the earlier style where the box lid is a little bigger. It doesn't have the side step down the later one has.

Figures that Lotus would use a custom size. That was my concern for the round end. So I got a 3" hose from Amazon and am using that as a guide.

In looking at the different sites I figured the 3" would likely be the most common. That's why I asked the question here.

That's interesting you mentioned the rubber covering on the outside. The later style I have here doesn't feel like that at all. Feels and sounds like plastic.

So far these will be able to use the lotus air filter. At least the one I have here fits.