View single post by Jagwire64
 Posted: 08-12-2020 06:11 pm
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Joined: 07-21-2020
Location: Chesterfield, Virginia USA
Posts: 42
I think it is the metering needle? if exchange air pistons, the problem follows. I don't have the tool to change just the needle. The cylinder and bore faces look ok.

The needle that hangs up is marked B1CM, which Delta lists as the proper needle.

The Needle that functions properly is marker B1AF that Moss lists for the TR6.

I'm thinking I need the B1AF. Since that is what seems to be functioning properly. Don't know the history of the car or the carbs. When i bought the car it wasn't running properly and the PO changed the carbs with some spares he had (which he said were recently rebuilt).

Maybe these are from a TR6 and the jets are sized for a different needle the B1AF?

Any insight would be helpful. Thanks. Can't find much info on needle sizes.