View single post by redracer
 Posted: 07-17-2020 03:26 pm
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Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: BROOKHAVEN, Georgia USA
Posts: 656
Richard: rebuilding the Strombergs is fairly simple(there are a few tricks, such as coating/using teflon tape for the bottom choke screw so gas doesn't leak put there) and I would recommend that for any engine under 9.5:1 compression. The Dellortos/webers are a waste of expensive carbs and if you travel over mountainous places, will run too rich, whereas the Stombergs(and SUs) are constant depression and will not need adjusting.
From what I've read so far about your car, you would be well advised to take it to someone with extensive knowledge to determine what may really need fixing/replacing/etc. so you don't waste time & money.
keep us posted, bruce