View single post by Tom Bradley
 Posted: 07-17-2020 06:53 am
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Tom Bradley


Joined: 07-15-2013
Posts: 205
The coolant leak could also be from the hose that goes to the intake manifold. Since you have the manifold off, it would be a relatively easy time to replace this. The short hose to the intake elbow is also hard to replace and gets neglected. There could be a crack in this or a loose clamp. I also have had trouble with coolant leaking from the thermostat housing seal. Nowadays I have to use a gasket as well as silicone sealer to get a reliable seal here. The threads on the water pump housing are just soft aluminum, so over-tightening the bolts and stripping the threads is fairly easy to do, making the top overly loose. Putting helicoils here may be necessary if somebody with more muscles than brains (like me sometimes) has ever worked on it.