View single post by jensendriver123
 Posted: 07-07-2020 03:52 am
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Joined: 06-29-2020
Posts: 34
Ok. I got it jacked up and finally could look under it. Doesn't look too bad. Right wheel is a little loose. When my wife wiggles it I can see the rotor moving slightly, from under the car. So, maybe that is where the shimmy is coming from. Need to get in there and see if I can find what's loose. Otherwise, I have new tires that I'll put on and get it aligned and see if that improves the handling. Transmission is missing the rubber grommet that seals the fork access through the bell housing. Otherwise, the steering linkage and balljoint, rubber boots all look good. No dried hard rubber. I'm wondering if the shimmy could be coming from a loose joint somewhere, but not sure how to detect that. Engine and subframe is "generally" greasy but not too bad. It's not at all obvious where the leak is coming from. So, first thing, I'm going to make an appointment, at my local European car mechanic, to steam clean the engine and under carriage. Then, hopefully, after a little bit of driving, I'll be able to see where the leak is coming from as well as any oil seepage that needs to be taken care of. The transmission does bump pretty hard if I don't slip the clutch enough (doesn't take more than a little slipping, maybe up to 2500 rpm). But, interestingly, sometimes it works fine without any slipping. So, it's definitely not consistent. I don't think it has to do with "warming up" since it seems to happen pretty randomly. I did see what looked like one missing bolt in the bell housing.

Ok. The journey begins. Thanks so much for everybody's input.
