View single post by discogodfather
 Posted: 07-04-2020 04:34 am
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Joined: 09-17-2007
Location: San Francisco, California USA
Posts: 221
Jacking the healey can be troubling. The front subframe (big metal plate) at a central point is good, on the rear I always use the bottom of the pumkin. When you jack or support it from one side in the rear at the control arm pickup points to the body, it bends the body. If you open the doors up while its suspended from those rear suspension points, at least on my 73, it is difficult to open the door.

I usually put jack stands at the point at which the rear control arms meet the axle. This is a no go for rear suspension work as it keeps the rear suspension compressed but other than that its good.

Front jack stands I put at the pivot point at which the lower control arms come into the subframe. This gives good clearance to work on the engine, exhaust, etc. It doesn't compress the front suspension so you can do any work to it you need to.

I stay away from any points on the body in terms of jacking or jacks in general. It just bends and moves too much.

Last edited on 07-04-2020 04:34 am by discogodfather