View single post by noomg
 Posted: 05-02-2020 05:05 pm
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Joined: 08-02-2018
Location: Long Beach, California USA
Posts: 459
I find the term "Spider" or "Spyder" to be an interesting one. It's been used by a number of manufacturers(Porsche, Alfa, and even a TR7) over the years to describe a particular model. Aside from the fact that they are all convertibles there doesn't seem to be any particular thing or combination of things that distinguishes from any other convertible. So I guess you could call a '72 Caddy Eldorado a Spider.

Don't get me wrong, if the guy wanted to call his J-H a Spider that's OK with me. He did some pretty nice mods and I'm happy it's just one more J-H that's on the road.