View single post by DonBurns
 Posted: 04-22-2020 05:20 pm
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Joined: 09-18-2015
Location: Fullerton, California USA
Posts: 149
Done! The rear bracket took some work as the one supplied with the kit would not work. I ended up using the original. Cut off some at both ends then fabricated plates to match the rubber isolater and to strengthen the through the body mounts. Also the holes in driveshaft didn't match the differential. Hardest part was maneuvering the transmission into place by myself. I used to just get underneath and muscle it in, but I'm a little older now.

Need a different shifter as the one that came with transmission too short - barely above the tunnel. Does anyone have a suggestion? I am looking at the "short shifter" available on EBay.

Also have to take to muffler shop. Bung for O2 sensor now in wrong place.