View single post by DonBurns
 Posted: 04-15-2020 11:12 pm
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Joined: 09-18-2015
Location: Fullerton, California USA
Posts: 149
Another hurdle, and a technical question.

Because of the 1/2 inch spacer between the bell housing and transmission, the original bolts are 1/2 inch too short. They are all the same length, but there is some variation in the distance from the bellhousing surface and the transmission surface, and there also seems to be some variation in how deep into the transmission case the threads start. So a few of the bolts might have enough thread purchase, but some barely contact the threads and would probably strip if I tried to tighten. So I went looking for longer bolts. I researched and the original bolts are "aluminum grade" with the designation of two little lines on the bolt head. I believe they are standard steel with some sort of coating? or maybe coated SS - not sure. My best source locally is McFadden-Dale hardware, and they don't have these. I was going to substitute standard SS which I understand is not ideal. Unfortunately the thread is #10 - 1.25, and they only carried fine thread up to #8. The only fine thread #10 available are in black oxide.

Can these be used in aluminum? If not, does anybody have a source for Aluminum Grade Bolts?
