View single post by noomg
 Posted: 03-23-2020 11:20 pm
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Joined: 08-02-2018
Location: Long Beach, California USA
Posts: 463
The door panels are in and now I'm finally done with the interior. Well, done-ish. For speakers I had a set of original speaker covers from my TR7 and I got a pair of 5 1/4" Pioneer speakers that fit original holes. I choose Pioneer because they were the only ones I could find that weren't made in China, nothing to do with the virus it's just that China makes crap.

The new panels look, fit, and smell great! I can't say enough about Rejen, the interior is now nicer than when the car sat on the showroom floor. At this point normally I'd say "now on to the next project" but right now I can't really think of one!