View single post by noomg
 Posted: 03-17-2020 04:35 pm
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Joined: 08-02-2018
Location: Long Beach, California USA
Posts: 463

You're probably right about this being the motor's first valve adjustment. The manual says check every 12K and I'm not sure how many miles you could go before a valve adjust is actually required. I'd guess by the time it needed an adjustment the car was well out of warranty and having it done was not cheap.

I did mine at about 80K and I don't think it had been done before either. My clearances were out but not way out. Smog testing was what compelled me to do the adjustment, to stay as close to spec as possible.

As Tim says, it's not a difficult job, however it is a big job and while I might say it was satisfying I'd be hard pressed to use the word "enjoyable".