View single post by redracer
 Posted: 02-25-2020 10:12 pm
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Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: BROOKHAVEN, Georgia USA
Posts: 654
Chuck: Your INtake cam housing is a later(and much preferred--after engine #3846); your EXhaust cam housing is from an earlier engine(#3846 & earlier) and should be discarded for 2 reasons; the first is that the rear oil drain hole was "plugged" up so oil would sit in the housing for engine starting and not gall the aluminum housing due to no oil, and secondly, the 5 bearing surfaces for the later housings were 0.001" larger for the same reason. (advise you toss the EX and get a later one).
Yes, you will need to do the "spot" facing for the 2 oil feed holes in the, bruce