View single post by redracer
 Posted: 02-24-2020 06:47 pm
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Joined: 09-10-2012
Location: BROOKHAVEN, Georgia USA
Posts: 654
The paper gasket acted as the seal at that high pressure point, whereas Loctite #518 does not, so therefore you'll need both cam housings falt bored for the neoprene "O" ring.
Dave Ban at one tim eused to sell something for this, but I had my own made( MSC and/or McMaster-Carr has correct sized bores with a pilot attached).
At the moment, I do not have an easy way to post pix on this site, unlike personal emails. (i am not the prolific typist, info guru that Tim is, so maybe he has some "ready" photos)
I will need to take many photos and download them onto my computer, but frankly, I am REALLY STRETCHED VERY THIN right now. People are welcome to call me or personally email me for faster info: